Winning Tongue Plate Loose Ring Bit with Brakes (Normal Plate)

Winning Tongue Plate


Add Bit Guards

Normal Plate

 Soft and Responsive 2.5-Ring Gag with leverage. If you are looking for a 2.5-Ring gag, I highly recommend this bit, give your horse the mouth comfort he deserves! He will be happier with a WTP

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How and Why WTP Bits work:


Winning Tongue Plate Benefits:

  • Stops bit pinching the tongue
  • Stops the tongue going over the bit
  • Stops roof rubbing and lips pinching
  • Stops the tongue hanging out of the mouth
  • Stops the horse headshaking, pulling, bolting
  • Stops the horse hanging, rearing, bucking
  • Stops displacement of the soft palate
  • Stops the mouth opening and respiratory noise
  • Better oxygen supply therefore better speed
  • Amazing soft and responsive contact
  • The horse is happier and easier to control 


Bit Thickness: 16mm

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